Tuesday, February 18, 2014

DIY: Reupholstered Office Chair

I finished this project ages ago and it's about time I made a post about it! I decided that I would try to reupholster my office chair since the seat cushion and fabric had developed a good sized hole, I guess from all my squirming! All the online blogs with reupholstering tutorials that I came across were for chairs that were 2 separate pieces, like a back piece and a seat piece. My desk chair was just one whole piece so I wasn't really sure how I would go about doing it. The following directions are by no means how you're supposed to do something like this, but it's how I did it! My dad actually got me the desk chair a few years ago when his office was throwing a bunch of them away and he took as many as he could fit in his car from the dumpsters! (They were clean though!) That's probably why I had the attitude of if this worked, great!, If it didn't, I'd just go buy a new chair. I started the project at 10 PM, always a good time to start something, and not gonna lie, it was kinda a haphazard process, but I think it turned out pretty good!